• Hypocrites – They’re Everywhere!

    Often we encounter people that use hypocrites as an excuse for not going to church. This week we are talking about hypocrisy and how it should affect us. I’ve had people who are cold towards the church and towards God explain their reason is because of the hypocrites.  While I…

  • Be A Seed

    Tonight we continue the series “History Makers Mindset” with the topic “Be A Seed”. Last week our topic was mature sons and daughters in the Kingdom. This week, we talk about our responsibilities in the Kingdom. In Matthew 13:36-38 Jesus explains an earlier parable to his disciples. It says “Then…

  • Discover your Purpose

    You are not here by accident but have been created for a purpose. If you do not identify and understand that purpose it leads to a lack of direction and fulfillment. It is easy to look at life as – your born, get an education, grow up, career, family, grow…