• The Extreme Jerk Chicken Lesson

    I love jerk chicken and last week I experienced the hottest, most extreme jerk chicken I have ever had. This was all due to an error while preparing the dinner. We all had a good time and laughed at the mistake. At the same time, there are some valuable lessons…

  • Communication is Key!

    Communicating thoughts, ideas, messages and information is so critical to success in most any endeavor. Think about how many relationships fail because of misunderstandings. We can have great ideas and great intentions, but without good communication they go nowhere. Communication is a very complex topic with many great books on…

  • How Do You Handle Different Opinions?

    When we engage others with different view points it can be an opportunity for growth and understanding or it can create division and strife. This week we look at both the negative and the positive ways to handle different opinions. What are some of the characteristics of people who can’t…

  • Present and Fully Disengaged

    Have you ever had a seven year old burst your bubble and give you a reality check. While cleaning out a book shelf last week I found a reminder of one such experience. This week’s webcast shares that experience and what I learned about being “Present and Fully Disengaged.” Being…