• Stretch Yourself

    When I talk about stretching, most of us think of stretching our muscles. I stretch my muscles about 10 minutes per day. As I stretch, I notice the range of motion of each muscle tends to increase. The opposite is also true, if I don’t stretch for a few days…

  • Self Enhancement, But How?

    Most everyone wants to be a better person, but wanting to is only the beginning. Tonight we continue the History Makers Mindset series talking about Self Enhancement and how to move from wanting to reality. Most want to grow but don’t know how. In this workshop will take a look…

  • Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021

    Well, the year 2020 is history now and it was quite the roller coaster ride. This week I share my thoughts on 2020 and the new year ahead. Think back to January 2020, 1 year ago. If anybody told you what was going to happen you probably would have dismissed…

  • What Do You Fear?

    Everybody has fears. Some fears are healthy and keep us safe where as other fears paralyze us, holding us back from achieving our best. This episode we talk about fear and some ideas to overcome it. Some of the most common fears are public speaking, fear of heights, fear of…

  • Unteachable

    Have you ever encountered someone who is unteachable? They know everything, or so they think. You see them heading in the wrong direction but they will not listen to anyone but themselves and there is nothing you can do. It is like watching a speeding train heading towards a wreck…

  • The Rat – Part 1

    This week is part 1 of a personal and powerful story about the consequences of holding resentment and the power of forgiveness. If you struggle with forgiveness after being hurt my story will inspire you. Special note: Forgiveness is necessary for our own personal health and recovery. However, it does…

  • Don’t Be A Victim

    We have all faced situations where we have been the victim in some way. When that happens, how do you respond? What is the best response? Some times we will decide the matter does not justify or time and effort and will ignore it. Other times we will chose to…