Self Enhancement, But How?

Most everyone wants to be a better person, but wanting to is only the beginning. Tonight we continue the History Makers Mindset series talking about Self Enhancement and how to move from wanting to reality.

Most want to grow but don’t know how. In this workshop will take a look into the mirror of your life and give you the tools to make the changes you see as necessary.

The eight key points are:

  1. Your life is a result of the values and principles you live by
  2. All of life, both spiritual and natural is established on laws and principles
  3. To improve your life make a list of the values/principles that you want to start living by
  4. Make another list of the principles you have neglected and the laws you have been breaking
  5. Write down strategy or ideas on how to fight to keep those principles
  6. Make a list of the values and principles that you see in successful people’s lives
  7. Create a personal program or control system that cultivates the fulfillment of these principles
  8. Take monthly time of concentrated study and development

Self enhancement does not happen by chance, but by intentional self analysis and change that requires effort.

One attribute of the fruit of the spirit is self control, not God control.

God’s grace covers forgiveness of our sins, but growth and maturity requires intentional, focused effort on our part.

Share your thoughts in the comments or feel free to reach out in the feedback form.

Have a great week and God bless.

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