What Do You Fear?

Everybody has fears. Some fears are healthy and keep us safe where as other fears paralyze us, holding us back from achieving our best. This episode we talk about fear and some ideas to overcome it.

Some of the most common fears are public speaking, fear of heights, fear of bugs and crawly things and claustrophobia.

Take for example the fear of heights, on one hand it can keep us safe and alive, but carried too far, it can paralyze us and prevent us from accomplishing tasks we should be able to perform.

Another example for many is public speaking. In the video I share my background and journey into public speaking. A part of this journey is Toastmasters, which I would highly recommend to anyone with a fear of public speaking or just wants to improve their skills.

Motivation Challenge

  • Identify a fear that holds you back.
  • Come up with a game plan to confront it.
  • Put that plan into action – Just do it.
  • Why – The feeling of conquering something that has held you back is exhilarating. You will be a better person for it.

If you want to see my speech at the Toastmasters Division level International Speech Contest, it has been posted to YouTube. Although not good enough to go the next level, it was a huge step forward from where I was a year prior. I’m sure you will enjoy it.

Have a great week

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