When You Pray, Expect the Unexpected!

This week I received an answer to prayer, but not in the way I expected. My business does live events and with the current restrictions I have experienced a significant drop in income. I was praying for the Lord to provide more business, but instead he provided an opportunity for me to work in a facility that manufactures face masks and was short staffed. It is a one month contract with flexible hours so I can still continue with my existing business clients.

Many times in the Bible (and in my own personal experience), when the Lord answers prayer, it is often in a way we didn’t expect. I have a bad habit of not only sharing my needs with the Lord, but giving advice as to how to best resolve the problem (as if he needs my advice). I’m learning that prayer is more about aligning ourselves with God, instead of giving him a to do list.

When you pray, expect the unexpected!

Last week I talked about fear. One of my fears is doing live broadcasts. Prerecorded is much more comfortable because I can edit out the mistakes. I’ve been challenged by a friend and mentor to start doing some live webcasts. I’ve accepted the challenge – for the next few weeks Monday Motivation will be done live at 7:00 pm. You can catch us on our web site, FaceBook or YouTube.

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