• Weeds in the Garden

    If you have a yard or garden you know how annoying weeds can be. One or two quickly multiply and take over the entire yard, choking out the grass. In order to deal effectively with weeds, you can’t just pull off the top, but have to kill the entire weed…

  • Easter and Clean Hands

    What do clean hands and Easter have in common? Washing hands cleans away the dirt on the outside, but there is nothing we can do ourselves to clean away the dirt on the inside. That is where we need God’s forgiveness and cleansing, made possible through what Jesus did on…

  • Exposed!

    There are times when something that was hidden is Exposed and the truth is revealed. When this happens to you or someone you know and true character is revealed, how do you react? Join us for this week’s webcast to find out more.

  • Bitter or Better?

    When you face challenging circumstances, does it make you bitter or better. How are you responding to the chaos caused by the Coronavirus? Listen to this weeks webcast for encouragement. Don’t become bitter but choose better!

  • Striving for Stuff vs. Contentment

    One day last week I was at the Eaton’s Centre. With an hour before my next appointment, I found myself thinking of all the stuff I “needed” to buy. After a few minutes, snapping out of that mindset, I was able move from a striving mindset to peace, contentment and…

  • New Years Resolutions

    This week we talk about New Years Resolutions. Do you make resolutions or do you avoid them? Listen in and find some useful tips for making resolutions and achieving your goals. 7 Tips for successful resolutions (or achieving goals) Write it down. Look at it daily. Adjust your schedule –…