Dealing with Worry

This week we continue part 2 of our discussion on worry. We talk about the importance of controlling worry due to the negative health effects, then we look at effective ways to manage worry in our lives.

If you or anyone you know struggles with worry, this webcast will provide some great tips for effectively dealing with it. Worrying is striving to survive, where as we want to thrive.

Tips to deal with worry

  • Train your mind to identify when you worry and then refuse to let worry continue. Be conscious of your worries and stop dwelling on them.
  • Meditate or pray – we can pray Psalm 55:22 Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.
  • When you feel worry starting to come on, turn that energy into problem solving.
  • Exercise – it releases endorphins (natures feel good drug) & helps us sleep sleep better
  • Healthy & balanced diet. Minimize sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Avoid gluten or dairy if you are sensitive to these.
  • Learn to relax. Find what music and or environments help you to relax.
  • Strong social network (avoid loneliness & isolation).
  • Seek professional help if you struggle with worry.

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