Live broadcast – How are you doing?

This week were live and interactive. The topic today, “How are you doing”. The common answer is “Fine”. But really, how are you doing, are you striving or thriving?

Life has many different aspects and a simple answer doesn’t cut it. While we may be thriving in one area, we may be striving in another. For example, areas of our life could be (but are not limited to)

  • Family
  • Friends/Relationships
  • Health
  • Career/Education
  • Finances
  • Our relationship with God

This week’s motivation challenge – take some time to assess how you are doing in each of these areas. Then pick one where you are striving, pray about it, then make a plan to change that area of your life. Get a pastor, coach or trusted friend to help you and hold you accountable.

Share your thoughts on in the comments or use the feedback form to reach out to us.

We also started a closed Facebook group, “Monday Motivation – Inspire, Share, Connect“. If you like Monday Motivation and want to become part of an interactive community, then you are welcome to join us.

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