Live Broadcast – Time… Who’s Got Time?

This week we are going live and interactive at 7 pm (EST). The topic today, “Time… Who’s got time?” That’s our topic for this week’s Monday Motivation.

Do you manage time, or does time manage you?

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. How is it that successful people accomplish so much more, while we are running around, forever busy but accomplishing little of value.

Understanding time management is critical to being effective and being successful. In this webcast we discuss some material from the book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” by Stephen Covey. Specifically, habit #3, “Put First Things First”. We need to evaluate how we spend our time, putting more emphasis on what is important and less on what is not important. You need to watch the webcast and read the book.

On September 2nd, 7 pm, in my role as a trainer and coach with the History Makers Academy, I am doing a Micro Training called “Help, I Can’t Manage My Time“. We’ll look at the importance of time management for success, managing time on a macro scale (live goals and plans) and time management on a micro scale (daily & weekly).

I have studied time management at Priority Management Systems, History Makers Academy and other courses along with years of experience in business and project management. Although not perfect, from my training and experience I have many great ideas to share on time management. The training is free but the value of the content and your time – priceless.

Register and join us on Zoom, September 2nd, 7:00 pm
Be sure to add this to your calendar and set your alarm.

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