• Mentoring the Next Generation

    Why is it important to mentor the next generation? This week I share my experience in a powerful discussion/interview with Chris Greenwood (a.k.a. Manafest). Chris and I started a friendship and informal mentorship many years ago, after he lost his father to suicide. I was in my early twenties and…

  • The Extreme Jerk Chicken Lesson

    I love jerk chicken and last week I experienced the hottest, most extreme jerk chicken I have ever had. This was all due to an error while preparing the dinner. We all had a good time and laughed at the mistake. At the same time, there are some valuable lessons…

  • Hypocrites – They’re Everywhere!

    Often we encounter people that use hypocrites as an excuse for not going to church. This week we are talking about hypocrisy and how it should affect us. I’ve had people who are cold towards the church and towards God explain their reason is because of the hypocrites.  While I…

  • Kindness & Respect

    With all the stress that everyone is facing, I’m aware of a number of incidents where people have treated retail workers and call centre people with contempt and anger. In difficult circumstances it is easy to take your frustration out on others. The better option – we rise above our…

  • Developing Character

    Why is character and integrity important? Very few people would say they choose not to be a moral person of good character, but at times we all stumble in this area, in spite of our good intentions. This week we talk about the importance of developing character and a look…

  • Self Enhancement, But How?

    Most everyone wants to be a better person, but wanting to is only the beginning. Tonight we continue the History Makers Mindset series talking about Self Enhancement and how to move from wanting to reality. Most want to grow but don’t know how. In this workshop will take a look…

  • Be A Seed

    Tonight we continue the series “History Makers Mindset” with the topic “Be A Seed”. Last week our topic was mature sons and daughters in the Kingdom. This week, we talk about our responsibilities in the Kingdom. In Matthew 13:36-38 Jesus explains an earlier parable to his disciples. It says “Then…

  • Sons and Daughters in the Kingdom

    This week is the first webcast of a series called “History Makers Mindset”. The format of these will be longer than the typical Monday Motivation but they are packed with great content. As Christians, when we are born again, that is our spiritual birth. Just like our first birth (the…

  • Be Offended! It’s Healthy

    In today’s culture it is so easy to be offended or to offend someone else. Is it possible for that to be healthy? Today I share my thoughts on the topic of being offended. Offense can create division. Unforgiveness allows it to fester and increases the divide. So how can…