• How to respond to Coronavirus

    With all of the hype and panic around the Coronavirus what is a reasonable response? We have all been impacted in some way with closures, employment, shortages of essential items and changed schedules. Panic and fear is a common response, but what is the best approach? This week we share…

  • Present and Fully Disengaged

    Have you ever had a seven year old burst your bubble and give you a reality check. While cleaning out a book shelf last week I found a reminder of one such experience. This week’s webcast shares that experience and what I learned about being “Present and Fully Disengaged.” Being…

  • Striving for Stuff vs. Contentment

    One day last week I was at the Eaton’s Centre. With an hour before my next appointment, I found myself thinking of all the stuff I “needed” to buy. After a few minutes, snapping out of that mindset, I was able move from a striving mindset to peace, contentment and…

  • Why Kindness?

    Continuing our discussion on kindness, we talk about why kindness is important, being wise and strategic with acts of kindness, and then the Top 10 Personal Benefits of Kindness. Share your acts of kindness in the comments below or on our Facebook page. Here are the top 10 personal benefits…

  • Intentional Acts of Kindness

    Continuing our series on Acts of Kindness, this week we talk about Intentional Acts of Kindness. Featured is an interview with John McNally of Embassy Heart Street Ministry. Be inspired as you listen to John share the impact of acts of kindness in Downtown Oshawa. John gives leadership to the…

  • Random Acts of Kindness

    Random Acts of Kindness day is February 17th. Should random acts of kindness be an event or a mindset that we have year round? Watch the video to hear my opinion and a personal story about a random act of kindness and what I learned from it.

  • Dealing with Worry

    This week we continue part 2 of our discussion on worry. We talk about the importance of controlling worry due to the negative health effects, then we look at effective ways to manage worry in our lives. If you or anyone you know struggles with worry, this webcast will provide…